Saturday, February 22, 2014

Excerpt - Chapter Two - An Other Kind Of Fury

“We should do a report on your attack while the details are still fresh,” Bryan interrupted her thoughts.
“Report?” Karla said dumbly.
“The Panthers,” he coaxed her gently. “I know the regular police handle gang related reports, but I can take a statement and pass it on to one of their officers once the weather lets up. At least it will be taken care of.”
“Uh, no. That’s not necessary,” she told him, avoiding his gaze. Her fingers tightened on the mug. This is bad.
His eyes narrowed. “Did they threaten you? You know you’re safe now right--?”
“No. I know. It’s...just not necessary.” Karla tried to reassure him. “I’m safe. I’ll be smarter next time I go out.” And armed.
He didn't like her answer. “They will never be held responsible if you don’t.” His voice was curt.
“Don’t tell me they’ll be held responsible!” Karla snapped, “That’s a load of shit, and you know it! The police don’t mess with the gangs, especially those with hot lawyers like the Steel Panthers!”
Bryan wanted to tell her she was wrong but he knew he’d be lying. Didn't mean he had to like it. “You could have been hurt.” He didn't like how much that bothered him.
Her blue eyes flashed. Too late, she thought bitterly. “Yeah, well it’s a good thing I have a stalker in blue.”
He coughed as his hot cocoa went down the wrong pipe. He chuckled, “Found me out did you?”
Okay, you didn't have to prove me right, Karla wanted to say. She just shook her head in exasperation. She opted out of that line of conversation quickly. “I should call the Cafe and let the others know I’m safe. Phone?”
Bryan handed it over to her. She ignored the little jolt of electricity that tingled through her fingers as their hands brushed. Damn it, she fumed at herself.
Karla dialed the Cafe. Liesl’s face appeared on the video screen.“Karla! Where are you? We were worried!”
“I’m fine, Lis.” Karla assured her. “I've got a place to stay.” She didn't elaborate, but her cheeks warmed knowing that Pandora would know exactly where she was.
“Scott, Drew and Jesse landed here,” Liesl informed her.
Oh hell, Karla thought desperately. Don’t let them know where I am!  I’ll never hear the end of it!
“Look, I have to go,” Karla said abruptly. “I’ll be home when the storm’s over.”
Liesl’s brown eyes were wise. “Stay safe.”
She hung up. Well crap. This night can’t possibly get any better.If her siblings got wind that she was at Bryan’s apartment she’d never live down their knowing glances and teasing jokes. Kidd was closest to Scott and it would only be a matter of time before he got the wrong idea.
Karla wanted to sink into the armchair in utter misery.
“Want to watch a movie?” Bryan asked her.
“Sure,” she mumbled. She wanted to add, only no romantic comedies or dramas, and definitely no porn.
Her cheek was throbbing. Karla absently pressed her fingers lightly to the spot and Bryan caught the motion. He leaned forward with a sudden change in expression. She froze at the look on his face. What--?”
“They hit you?” he growled angrily.
“It’s nothing,” she murmured, cursing her double-crossing fingers.
He was suddenly examining her and Karla found herself unable to move as he carefully tilted her chin up to get a look where she’d been belted twice across the face. Her cheekbone was starting to discolor. “Shit! I didn't know you were hurt--!!”
She didn't trust her voice to respond. His touch was shockingly gentle. It fried any working synapses in her brain that would have provided a snappy comeback, or at the least, a coherent response.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?” Bryan demanded, his blue eyes bored into her with a mixture of concern and anger.
Biting her lip, she began to shake her head no. At the simple action, the shirt she had borrowed, gaped open at the neck and slid to bare one of her shoulders. She jumped in surprise when Bryan suddenly yanked it down further to bare the angry weal where the chain had caught her.
“For fuck sakes woman! Why didn't you say something?” he snarled at her.
Her heart raced. All she could do was stare at him in mute dismay.
“Fuck. I’m sorry!” He let go of her abruptly, realizing that he was manhandling someone who’d just been physically assaulted. “I’m no good at this shit...wait here.” He stormed out of the living room, leaving Karla in a shaken state.
*Karla? Are you alright? Where are you? What happened?* Scott’s unexpected telepathic interrogation only added to Karla’s raw nerves. It was clear he was picking up on her distress.
*I’m fine!*
*Are you?  Damn it, I’m worried!  The Panthers were spotted in our area...*
*Yes, I know!  And no, I’m not going to tell you any more until I get back to the Cafe!  Leave me alone!*
With that, she slammed down her mental wall and cut off any reply that Scott may have had.
Bryan returned with his first aid kit. His lips were pressed tightly together as he cleaned and bandaged her shoulder. She watched the forgotten TV over his shoulder with unseeing eyes. He finished by retrieving an ice pack from the kitchen. “Lay back,” he said brusquely, holding the pack to her cheek.
He noticed the new silver necklace around her neck, and the ring, and guessed what it symbolized.
“I can hold it.” Karla placed her hand over his to claim the ice pack for herself and gain some personal space. He stared at her for a long moment before he relinquished his hold. She closed her eyes briefly in relief as he returned to his spot on the couch.