

Karla Hawke (nee. Hunter)

Main Protagonist. A young woman, 29; tall and slender with long, straight raven black hair. She has dark blue eyes, pale rose lips and a pale complexion. She looks like a nymph right out of a Waterhouse painting; she possesses the same complex look of innocence and seduction. Despite her appearance her life has been one of survival and unpleasantness. She tends to attract as many friends as she does enemies due to her unique heritage and her own particular brand of spirit.

Jayce Hunter

The dark and twisted oldest Hunter sibling. It’s a mystery what happened to make him seemingly mentally unstable but the theory it was a combination of the sudden onset of his Other powers and factors in his difficult life. If they only knew. Jayce has short, thick dark brown hair and black eyes. Tall and powerfully built, he stands at an impressive 6”3. He completes the image of a badass with his Harley and leather predilection. He wears his hair spiky and is rarely seen without his shades. Preferring to work alone in his search for his own particular brand of chaos, he surprises everyone by joining forces with the Steel Panthers. Once upon a time, he practically raised Karla and they had a very strong brother-sister bond.

Scott Hunter

Karla’s twin brother. Separated as toddlers they met up years later as teenagers, both in the Steel Panther gang. Scott is an intense young man with short wavy dark brown hair and the same dark blue eyes as his sister. He is average height with an athletic, muscular build (lanky when he was younger). Tanned complexion. As the unofficial ‘sane’ older brother, he tries to be the anchor for the other siblings but he is often more vulnerable. He enjoys playing guitar.

Kelly Hunter

Slender and almost feminine good looks compared to his bulky twin. Finger-length, straight, dark blond hair that often sweeps messily into his chiseled features; Kelly has James Dean-ish good looks with pouty lips. He is a very private individual, misleadingly quiet he can surprise with his waspish sense of humor and sharp intelligence. He is well suited to martial arts and keeps it together in a jam.

Drew Hunter

Kelly’s twin and complete opposite. Where Kelly is reserved, Drew is extroverted. Similar in appearance to his twin, Drew is the welterweight version of the two. His blond hair is a shade or two darker; he prefers his hair shorter and spikier than his brother too. Drew’s trademark feature is his arched eyebrows. They both share ‘the cheekbones’. Drew’s hazel eyes are golden whereas Kelly’s are greener.

They are two of the genetically created siblings from Hope and donor soldier DNA. They escaped the lab with their ‘birth mother’ Mariana Brendan who had been a physicist for the military, during Michael and Hope’s rescue attempt. She raised them on the run and off the grid as long as she thought safe. Kelly became a physicist like his mother and was engaged to a sweet girl named Irene (a fellow physicist) when Digitalis became fatally enmeshed in his life. Drew was a paramedic. They were both avid surfers on the West coast.

Lucy Hunter-Lucas

The youngest Hunter sibling who happens to be Jesse’s age. She also turned out to be Grant Lucas’s daughter. Lucy had a rough start in life. Some genius decided to re-introduce the same military program that produced Drew and Kelly and so Lucy was born before the program was dispatched once more. A spit-fire, Lucy has below the shoulder curly natural pale blond hair and signature Hunter blue eyes. Recently she dyed her hair a dark auburn red.

Jesse Hunter

Only son of Jayce Hunter and Triest Delamos. He is 5”6 and promising to grow even taller. He has prominent cheekbones, deep-set moody dark blue eyes and straight dark brown hair. His long bangs sweep into his face. He has inherited his father’s brooding look and anger issues but his delicate features are clearly more reminiscent of his mother, or even his other blood relatives. He feels a strong sense of responsibility and wants to protect his family from his father.

Triest Delamos

Ex-girlfriend of Jayce, mother of Jesse. She was a waitress when she met Jayce. They were happy with their young family (while Jayce tracked down his parents murderers and subsequently uncovered Lucy’s existence). Shortly after this, Jayce disappeared and eventually Triest began receiving threatening phone calls. She sought protection with Ryka Corp. Triest has long layered chestnut brown hair and doe-like dark brown eyes. Fiercely protective of Jesse.


No known surviving family. One of thousands of orphans of the global war. Irish origins. He kept mostly to himself but joined a gang when he was young. Met and fell in love with Karla when they were in high school. He tried to keep her away from the Steel Panthers, knowing what would happen if they got hold of her but he underestimated his then best friend and blood-brother Jake. When he got too defiant Jake tried an experimental form of mind control, his nano-tag invention. Jake then used Kidd’s musical talents and the respect he had of their peers to his own advantage; hurting Karla mentally and physically in the process. It was years before the device malfunctioned. Kidd is 6”, has an athletic build on a lean frame. He has dark golden blond hair that is finger-length and spiky. His eyes are a chameleon hazel blue that change color with his emotions. His lips are pouty and sensuous; his skin is a golden tan. Kidd is quick and powerful. He has an inner stillness that Karla is immediately drawn to.

Ian MacKenzie Hawke, Air-Force Lieutenant

When he was a Major in the Air Force and a Special Agent, Hawke was assigned Karla Hunter as a means to infiltrate an inner-city gang. Hawke was fifteen years her senior when they were introduced but it was barely a year later they were married. At first he reported her as cocky, and angry, despite her obvious assets to the team, but he learns that it’s a cover for a bruised and vulnerable girl. He fell in love with her but their relationship was rocky. He wanted her to follow a straight path and she rebeled against his straight-jacketing. His coup de grace was that he kept classified information from Karla; specifically information about her and her sibling’s origins and the real reason why the military was interested in her as an agent. When she found out it was the end of their relationship. After her spectacular exit from his life, she swore never to forgive him.

Ian has been in the military his whole life; he comes from a military family. He is very loyal to his team, and to his job. He is 6”1, a trim man with corded muscles. As a pilot he keeps himself in top shape. He has steel blue eyes that crinkle in the corners.

Grant Lucas, Air Force Major

Hawke’s team mate and cousin. Grant is a good-humored, persistent lady’s man. He has fought his own teasing attraction to Karla but it only ever ended up they aggravated each other and hurt their other partners. He is younger than Ian and has a more irreverent approach; one that mixed with Karla’s attitude made for some serious headaches for Hawke on more than one occasion. Grant has light blue eyes and a head of fluffy white-blond hair. He is solidly built, has a light complexion and full-lips. Despite his jokester attitude he takes his job seriously. Currently engaged to May, another long-term team-member; a relationship that’s been a long time coming.


A talented agent hired by Ryka Corp. Her cover is as a waitress and baker at the Smoking Lily Cafe which she does with equal expertise. She is tall and slender; 5”9. She has long straight dark red hair and long lashed slanted emerald green eyes. Her complexion is a pale ivory; she has a heart-shaped face with delicate features.  She has a tiny beauty mark on the corner of her curved lips. Her Hawaiian heritage makes for an interesting appearance; tropical fae-punk. Mischievous and playful, her worst feature is her tendency to stoke the rumor mill.      

Bryan Wolfe

An Officer with the Tactical Response Unit (TRU); specializing in the combat unit. He likes to get right into the middle of a conflict despite the danger to himself. Cocky and hotheaded, Bryan often clashes with his superiors due to their complacency with political agendas. He is intolerant of those who abuse the law, or rogue cops. He is 6”3, a broad shouldered and powerfully built hulk of a guy. He likes big guns, fast cars and new Mechs but not prosthetics, mercenary gear or politics. Considers himself a real Romeo with women, his favorite pass time is pushing Karla’s buttons. He can be reckless and throws himself into dangerous situations, sometimes biting off more than he can chew. His actions have earned him the respect of his detachment and fellow officers, to his superiors’ dismay. Bryan wears his shades, jeans and Kevlar jacket. He’s never without his gun or badge. Bryan has steel blue eyes and his finger length auburn hair that is typically slicked back out of his face. He has trademark sideburns and often has a scruff. He's almost as sexy as he thinks he is.

Lorelei “Lore”

Pure ‘tude. Lore was an independent agent hired by Ryka Corp who was hired ‘indefinitely’. Has her own vendetta against Digitalis. She is 5’8 with layered reddish brown hair which she likes to punk out with different dyes and falls. Her eyes are expressive and foxlike. She can be quite intimidating. Lead singer in a punk rock band. Lore takes risks, she’s ballsy. She will volunteer for things that others normally would find too dangerous. Lore smokes, swears like a trucker, has a wolfy, canine smile and torments her friends. Frequently butts heads with Bryan.


An indispensable Ryka agent. Alex is the expert martial arts instructor and medical advisor for the team. He is of Japanese/Maori descent and stands at 5’6 but makes up for the average stature with lightning moves and wiry strength. He has long straight black hair and almond-shaped black eyes. He looks younger than he is; his smile makes him look like a teenager when he’s really in his late thirties.

Luke McAllister

Weapons Master/Engineer. Head of Mecha Development team for Ryka Corp. He helps develop and test the gadgets that assist the mercenaries. He trains the Furies in firearms and other artillery, security systems, etc. Another orphan; he was the equivalent of a SEAL but his team was wiped out. Haunted by the memories, his weapons have become extensions of himself; he specializes in updating vehicles to be as defensive and maneuverable as tanks/jets. The Furies favorite and most utilized vehicle is the motorcycle prototype designed for the Wabun cityscape. Luke and Karla had brief history but despite the fact it wasn’t exactly a love match, she couldn’t compete with the ‘toys’. Still friends, she nicknamed him ‘Rambo’. Luke has the typical muscular SEAL build; he has a deep ‘roid’ voice, and dark skin, black eyes and bald head. He favors military geared clothing; cargo pants, vest, aviator glasses etc.

Gryffen O’Dair

A Ranger from the West Coast. He met Karla after her divorce from Ian. His family became her own while she tried to make a new life for herself and come to terms with her new identity. Eventually Kidd resurfaced in her life and she and Gryff drifted apart. They are still friends. Gryffen is 6’1, athletic build, thick pale blond hair and bright blue eyes. He is cheerful and warm. To Karla he offered everything Hawke didn’t; freedom, acceptance, partnership. If it hadn’t been for what already existed with Kidd she may have been really happy with him and his crew.

May, Air Force Major

Special Forces team member alongside Ian and Grant (who is also currently her fiancée). At one time she was friends with Karla. May has chin length light brown hair with blond highlights and large blue-green eyes. She has been a positive role-model for Lucy.

Max Ramsey

CEO of Ryka Corporation. He is in his late thirties. Trim with ash blond hair and blue eyes with laugh crinkles; Max is of average build, in good shape and has a very warm engaging personality. He can be blunt, making others get to the point when necessary. He is a sharp business man with a focus on upholding justice and fighting corrupt systems. He inspires the trust and confidence of others. His multi-national Corporation is named after his wife Ryka who encouraged helping those in need. She was a lawyer who was killed taking a key witness to court (someone who had info on Digitalis). On the surface, Max does everything by the book but behind the scenes he spearheads the Furies: a vigilante group, knowing this day and age it is the only way to balance the scales. He had one child with Ryka; Ryan.

Ryan Ramsey

Only child of Max and Ryka. He looks like his mother with his curly auburn hair and blue eyes. He is ten years old and hates being bored. His father tends to be a bit over protective. Ryan is a good kid but rarely gets the chance to be with other kids his age. He often hangs out with the adults of the Mansion (which is not always a good thing). His two aunts give him lots of love and attention.

Liesl Summerland

Oldest daughter and heiress to a powerful family fortune. She is a senior chairperson at Ryka Corporation. Her younger sister Ryka was killed, leaving herself and her youngest sister, Annika. Their parents were older when they started their family and have been deceased now for several years. Liesl owns the Smoking Lily Cafe which is also in the same sprawling Victorian building that houses her and the other Furies residence and home base. It provides a convenient cover for their covert operations. She is the leader of the Furies under Max’s authority. Their combined wealth and resources have supplied them with the newest technology. Liesl is tall, elegant and curvaceous. Her confidence and authority make people sit up and take notice. She has a long mane of curly chestnut hair and wide chocolate brown eyes. Her sense of style is classic retro/rockabilly. She is thirty years old. She is focused and feels a strong responsibility for her team.

Annika Summerlund

Youngest Summerlund sister. Very playful personality, likes sports. Her curly brown hair is cut fashionably short, almost pixie-like. She has expressive big brown eyes. Very intelligent, she has a penchant for hacking. Currently away in University in Europe but occasionally lends a hand to the Furies.

Michael Hunter

The father of Jayce, Karla and Scott. Michael was a Special Agent involved in an unprecedented investigation of a young woman who was discovered to have mysterious origins and abilities. The Northern Government wanted to evaluate if she was a threat or if she could be of use to them. They assigned her surveillance and protection; Michael was part of the team assigned to her. He eventually fell in love with her. A well respected agent, Michael Hunter was the best in his field. Discovering that the organization assigned to research ‘Hope’ was focusing less on using her to help the environment and people’s welfare and more on weapon’s applications (especially the interest they had in regards to the potential his and Hope’s offspring had in becoming the perfect soldier), they were forced to flee with the help of like-minded colleagues. Using Michael’s considerable skills they managed to stay hidden for several years. Their young family grew. Their luck ran out eventually and the enemy found and kidnapped Scott and Karla. In the rescue attempt Michael and Hope were killed attempting to keep their children (including the newly discovered infants, ie: Kelly/Drew) safe. Michael was tall and well-built with finger-length tousled dark blond hair with reddish brown highlights and gold-green hazel eyes. He had a lightly tanned Celtic complexion.

Hope (Pandora)

A woman of mysterious origin. She came seemingly out of nowhere. She had long black hair and fathomless blue eyes. She was fair skinned and delicate looking with a leaner build than Karla’s softer curves. Hope possessed incredible untapped powers, the ability to change the structure of DNA, to change matter. Those powers were exploited to heal the damage caused by the Global War, and also such things in the medical community as hereditary disease. Mother of Jayce, Karla and Scott.

Jake Steele

Leader of the Steel Panthers, a one-time motorcycle gang-come-yakuza-style crime organization, Jake used his sharp intelligence towards raising his ambition from the ground up. He is a technical wunderkind and is the creator of the Nano-tag, the prototype for the Digitalis’ Hollow One (which made Jake a very wealthy man—with dangerous connections--overnight). Jake is powerful, focused, and deadly.


Tattooed, bald; Grave has been in the Steele Panthers since the beginning and is unashamed of the fact that he was the unofficial ‘bouncer’ for the Upper Echelon; Jake, Shannon, and Kidd. Not much to say, Grave is usually in the background watching the goings-on. He and Karla hated each other with an unrivaled passion. Sleezeball is too soft a term for this prick. Grave is cocky, invasive, and brutish.


Looks like a teenage girls idea of a dreamy high school crush. Short dark golden blond hair, squinty intense blue eyes, tanned; Golden is one of the youngest (newest) Panthers. He is very loyal to Jake. Trained in Martial Arts, he is slender, compact and quick. He is intelligent and observant. Eager to please, he has a desire to prove his worth to Jake. Wary of and therefore in receipt of respect from Jayce.


Slender man of smallish height, curly dark auburn hair and green eyes; he was Jake’s right hand man until Karla framed him good and proper. He has a most inappropriate but totally secret obsession with the Steel Panther’s gang leader. His preference for men is in itself not unknown, but he does not flaunt it with his team mates. Fenris is devious and tricky. He likes to inflict pain.

Alastor Shade

CEO of Digitalis Skyline in Wabun, Alastor Shade is a person of incredible influence and notoriety. Rarely seen outside of the rumored Subterranean that lies beneath the Digitalis Skyline Corporate buildings, Shade is feared for his ruthless pursuit of business. Most of the Northern Continent is owned by his various enterprises (legit and underground both) and his products cover even more than that. One of the most controversial and significant gains that Shade made over the years was with Jake Steele and his Nano-tag device. This mechanism was modified to create a veritable army of Digitalis drones called Hollow Ones.

Alastor’s personal history is a complete mystery. He is an incredibly beautiful; tall, sculpted, marble example of masculinity. He has long thick, dark auburn hair and his green eyes are made even more vivid by the palor of his flawless alabaster complexion. Alastor has the deadly grace of a swordsman. He has an arsenal of protection at his disposal that no one could even imagine. Evil never looked so good.

Mattox Gray   TRU

Bryan’s partner in crime. Waspish, sharp-tongued, Gray is Laurel to Bryan’s Hardy. He is the one that the pair relies on in times when they need a public-figure since Bryan tends to be a bit hot under the collar. Gray keeps it together and presents the united TRU ideal to the public while Bryan looks the part, the poster-boy if you will. While both matching in intelligence, the two men complement each other and tend to have the uncanny ability to pick up where the other left off; A bit of an oddity since they look so physically different.

30 years old; Gray is small and petite where Bryan is large and well . . . large. Gray’s personal style is sharp dressed metrosexual. A striking visual of gypsy in a suit, only Gray can make it work the way he does. He is toffee skinned with startling sea green eyes and dreadlocked brown hair with sun bleached tips. He is bisexual. (Gender and sexuality this day in age is not as much of an elephant in the room as it was in the past century but of course there is always the exceptional moron around to make things interesting.) Plus Bryan doesn’t have a problem with any member of either sex who thinks he’s hot stuff.

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