About the Author

My most important job is being a mom to my wonderful little boy. Our household includes a Shiloh Shepherd that gets mistaken for a wolf, and a kleptomaniac cat aptly named Magpie. They conspire to keep me grounded in the real world.
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Irish Studies; which was all about my love for different cultures and languages. I have ten years of Shamanism studies and three in Herbalism.
But don’t let my earth –mama look fool you, I also have a 4th Kyu belt in Shotokan Karate. My umbrella also looks like a samurai sword. Don’t mess with me! J
And if you haven’t picked up on it yet I also maintain a strong spirit of Heyoka.  
           Update Jan 28/15: Still kickin'. Added two more cats to the crew; Sparrow and Swan who were rescues after they were abandoned at 3 wks. Noticed my strange affinity for naming cats after birds . . . Still writing though nothing planned for publishing. Yet. :P

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