Friday, July 26, 2013

Short Story itty bit

               Without the element of surprise, Mika saw no option but to rush him. Charlie was clutching his jacket so hard, he was counting on it. When he lunged forward, he kept his arms straight so that the jacket stayed behind with her. Then he was moving forward unencumbered.
            “Mika!” Charlie screamed.
            “Go Charlie!” Mika yelled desperately as he threw a punch at the smug looking Panther.
            With an ease that was embarrassing, Jayce blocked Mika’s punch with a Jiu Jutsu wrist lock and pulled him forward into the switchblade he had waiting in his other hand.
            Mika made a surprised sound that was muffled by the leather jacket his face was currently pressed up against. He was glad his expression was hidden. He could feel the foreign wrongness of the steel in his belly.
            Charlie was caught in midflight by the sound of the indrawn gasp Mika made. His order for her to flee evaporated and she whirled in time to see her boyfriend slowly sink to his knees, arms limp by his sides.
            She thought she’d reached the limits of her capacity for terror. But when she saw his profile, the crimson stain on his lips, she discovered it was possible to reach a new plateau. Her legs locked and she forgot all about the promise of freedom. 
            Woosh. There was a displaced blast of air and Charlie suddenly found herself being dragged back to Mika’s side. Though the fingers crushing her upper arm were punishing she didn’t resist. She wanted to be closer to her boyfriend. Her eyes swam with tears.
            “Charlie--!” Mika groaned. His brown eyes were agonized. “No! Run--!”

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