Tuesday, February 3, 2015

And now An Other Sanctuary is Free! Go for the 2nd installment in the Call of Blood Series!!

           Excerpt from An Other Sanctuary:

           Charlie’s eyes were filled with tears; they were locked on Mika’s face hopelessly. He was barely breathing, his body limp and unresponsive. She knew the moment his heart stopped, she was as good as dead. She realized that she wasn't as bothered at this as she should have been.
            She wouldn't have seen the signs if she hadn't been locked on his face. Mika’s eyelids twitched. His eyes opened a crack and she had to bite her lip to hold back a sob at the dying flicker in their colorless depths. He moved his lips soundlessly.
            The knife. 
            Not I love you or Goodbye Charlie Bean, his nickname for her, but as she felt him slip away underneath her, it was a declaration of love so blinding that Charlie felt it burning through her cells with energy so pure it filled her with strength she never felt before. It cleared her mind, sobered her to the point that the heavy body filling her up from behind wasn't the focus any more. It was the knife.

Free for a limited time:   http://amzn.to/1BZnCHu

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