Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pssst...Scott Hunter...pass it on...

Nickname: Hotshot (or Spotshot—behind his back)
Gender: Male
Age: Karla’s Twin. Mid-thirties.
Hair: Darkest brown, looks like he needs a haircut, wavy hair.
Eyes: Blue.
Clothing: well-worn blue jeans, t-shirt or men’s button-down shirt.
Parents/Guardians: Hope and Michael Hunter
Siblings: The Hunter Brigade. Jayce (Scott prefers to feel like the official big brother—at least he’s the sane and less perverse version).
Friends/Allies: The Furies. Womankind (Womynkind would dispute this).
Enemies: Jayce. The Panthers. Digitalis. In that order.
Career: If it wasn’t for his inborn psionic abilities put to use by the Furies, he would make a spectacular couch potato.
Hobbies: Playing guitar. Pool with the guys.
Loves: his twin. Aww.
Dislikes: Nicolas Cage. (Ghost Rider. Really?!!)
Loathes: Karla’s ex-husband, Ian Hawke.
Fears: Not being able to protect them all.
Good qualities: He’s got a joker smile and a hug that does what months of therapy can’t.
Turn ons: Motorcycle chicks  
Turn offs: except for Lore (he has a life expectancy thanks).
Natural talent: pulls the siblings together as somewhat of a lodestone. Scott is a natural leader though he’d never admit to it.
Temperament: Grounded with a warm sense of humor.
Saddest moment: When he didn’t have control of his alcohol addiction and he nearly got himself and Karla killed because of it (He’s AA now).
Happiest moment: Finding Karla after years of nightmares and what he thought were hallucinations; he found out he wasn’t crazy after all. He was just a telepath with a twin who was a danger magnet. Dang.

Friday, May 10, 2013

All you weren't sure you wanted to know about Mattox Gray

Nickname: Mocha, Buttocks, Spread ‘em (but not around the kiddies)
Gender: Metrosexual
Age: Mid-thirties but he likes to think he could fit in with the younger crowd
Hair: Glorious long earthy brown and blond dreadlocks
Eyes: Sea green eyes, long lashes
Clothing: If metrosexual and gypsy fashion had a baby the result would be a very pretty Gray.
Parents/Guardians: Valentina & Dr. E Gray
Siblings: Malia Gray; younger sister, a photographer
Friends/Allies: TRU as he lives and breathes
Enemies: Criminals, litterbugs, waitresses with shifty eyes.
Career: Bryan Wolfe’s partner. Gray is the much maligned, much loved, smaller, waspish half.
Hobbies: What part of living/breathing TRU didn’t you get??
Loves: Skinny jeans, skinny lattes.
Dislikes: His partner getting friendly with the enemy. Has a plot to stage an intervention.
Loathes: Not being in the know.
Fears: Being alone
Good qualities: Faithful to a fault.
Turn ons: Yoga pants.
Turn offs: Front-line fighting
Natural talent: Gray is known for his diplomacy. Bryan calls it his golden mouth. For its other applications.
Temperament: tetchy.
Saddest moment: Almost getting his hiney nuked by the Rogue HO.
Happiest moment: thinking Bryan got the hint that Karla was bad news/taken/skanky

Friday, May 3, 2013

It's gonna get bad before it gets worse teaser

            He was staring at his reflection in the gym mirror. The action reflected there by his co-workers were at odds with his still figure. He was standing motionless, examining his last thought when Gray managed to sneak up on him.
            “Uh oh,” Gray said crestfallen.
            Bryan jumped. “What?” He looked at his partner’s expression in surprise.
            “It finally happened!” Grey turned to the rest of the room and announced, “He’s fallen in love with himself!”
            Loud guffaws broke out across the room. Bryan threw his sweaty towel at Gray who ducked adroitly.
            “Jealous, mocha?” Bryan goaded him.
            “Only because I've been saving myself for you,” coffee-skinned Gray snickered.
            “Saving what? Your mouth--? Cause I know where that’s been--!”
            The room watched on in amusement as the familiar antics between the two deteriorated until it became a clearly unfair wrestling match between Gray’s whole body and Bryan’s bicep.
            The bicep won.