Friday, May 10, 2013

All you weren't sure you wanted to know about Mattox Gray

Nickname: Mocha, Buttocks, Spread ‘em (but not around the kiddies)
Gender: Metrosexual
Age: Mid-thirties but he likes to think he could fit in with the younger crowd
Hair: Glorious long earthy brown and blond dreadlocks
Eyes: Sea green eyes, long lashes
Clothing: If metrosexual and gypsy fashion had a baby the result would be a very pretty Gray.
Parents/Guardians: Valentina & Dr. E Gray
Siblings: Malia Gray; younger sister, a photographer
Friends/Allies: TRU as he lives and breathes
Enemies: Criminals, litterbugs, waitresses with shifty eyes.
Career: Bryan Wolfe’s partner. Gray is the much maligned, much loved, smaller, waspish half.
Hobbies: What part of living/breathing TRU didn’t you get??
Loves: Skinny jeans, skinny lattes.
Dislikes: His partner getting friendly with the enemy. Has a plot to stage an intervention.
Loathes: Not being in the know.
Fears: Being alone
Good qualities: Faithful to a fault.
Turn ons: Yoga pants.
Turn offs: Front-line fighting
Natural talent: Gray is known for his diplomacy. Bryan calls it his golden mouth. For its other applications.
Temperament: tetchy.
Saddest moment: Almost getting his hiney nuked by the Rogue HO.
Happiest moment: thinking Bryan got the hint that Karla was bad news/taken/skanky

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