Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pssst...Scott Hunter...pass it on...

Nickname: Hotshot (or Spotshot—behind his back)
Gender: Male
Age: Karla’s Twin. Mid-thirties.
Hair: Darkest brown, looks like he needs a haircut, wavy hair.
Eyes: Blue.
Clothing: well-worn blue jeans, t-shirt or men’s button-down shirt.
Parents/Guardians: Hope and Michael Hunter
Siblings: The Hunter Brigade. Jayce (Scott prefers to feel like the official big brother—at least he’s the sane and less perverse version).
Friends/Allies: The Furies. Womankind (Womynkind would dispute this).
Enemies: Jayce. The Panthers. Digitalis. In that order.
Career: If it wasn’t for his inborn psionic abilities put to use by the Furies, he would make a spectacular couch potato.
Hobbies: Playing guitar. Pool with the guys.
Loves: his twin. Aww.
Dislikes: Nicolas Cage. (Ghost Rider. Really?!!)
Loathes: Karla’s ex-husband, Ian Hawke.
Fears: Not being able to protect them all.
Good qualities: He’s got a joker smile and a hug that does what months of therapy can’t.
Turn ons: Motorcycle chicks  
Turn offs: except for Lore (he has a life expectancy thanks).
Natural talent: pulls the siblings together as somewhat of a lodestone. Scott is a natural leader though he’d never admit to it.
Temperament: Grounded with a warm sense of humor.
Saddest moment: When he didn’t have control of his alcohol addiction and he nearly got himself and Karla killed because of it (He’s AA now).
Happiest moment: Finding Karla after years of nightmares and what he thought were hallucinations; he found out he wasn’t crazy after all. He was just a telepath with a twin who was a danger magnet. Dang.

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